Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. Is Regis Corporation a publicly traded company?

    Yes. Regis Corporation's common stock is traded on the NasdaqGM under the symbol RGS.

  • Q. How can I become a shareholder of Regis Corporation?

    A. Regis Corporation is traded on the NasdaqGM under the symbol RGS. Currently, Regis Corporation does not have the ability to sell shares directly to you. You can become a shareholder by purchasing stock on the open market with a broker.

  • Q. How can I find out about my Regis stock?

    A. Regis Corporation does not have access to individual account information. To find out more about your holdings, please contact either your broker or our transfer agent, EQ at 1-800-401-1957. If you are an employee with the company enrolled in the Regis Corporation Employee Stock Purchase Plan and wish to inquire about your account, please refer to your most recent statement for contact information.

  • Q. What can EQ, Regis' transfer agent, help me with?

    A. Address changes (seasonal and permanent)
    Duplicate mailings
    Electronic receipt of Proxy Statement and annual Report
    Lost dividend checks
    Lost stock certificates
    Name changes
    Shareholder records
    Stock transfers

  • Q. How can I obtain an annual report or company information packet?

    A. There are a number of ways to obtain this information:

    • View/download current annual report from our web site.

    • Request information electronically in the request information section of investor information.

    • Call our Investor Relations Department at (952) 918-4175

    • Email our Investor Relations Department at

  • Q. Where can I find the salon closest to me?

    A. To find the salon nearest you, visit the website for the brand you are looking for:



    Regis Salons:


    Cost Cutters:

  • Q. When was Regis Corporation's Initial Public Offering and what was the stock price at the time?

    A. Regis Corporation listed on the NasdaqGM June 21, 1991 at a price of $13.00. ($5.78 adjusted for subsequent stock splits.)

Contact Investor Relations

(612) 416-4323

Regis Corporation

3701 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 600

Minneapolis, MN 55416